
  • Stray = lost cat; domesticated at one point
  • Feral = cat without any human contact ever
  • Abandoned = domesticated cat that has been dumped
  • Free-Roaming = cat that is owned but has access to outdoors
  • Un-owned = cat that is born outside, possibly to a feral or stray, with the potential to be adoptable
  • Owner Surrender = the intentional relinquishment of an owned cat by its owner 

Return Policy

At St. Sophia’s, we ALWAYS take our own cats back.  In fact, it’s REQUIRED in our adoption contract!

  • There is NO time restriction
  • Never tell an adopter we don’t have space
  • Whatever the reason, we ALWAYS take back


Animal Control

Animal Controls are our PRIMARY intake source.  We partner with many local, state-wide, and midwest animal controls to help with their population control when they run out of space and risk having to euthanize.  Check out our procedures and partner information here.


In the state of Illinois, in order to be able to accept strays into our care, we would need a separate “stray holding license,” something that St. Sophia’s does not have.  We do not have the capability to house strays and hold them for the public to view and reclaim.  See the resources here to learn how we handle calls about strays.

Feral Cats (TNR)

St. Sophia’s does not participate in TNR initiatives but we do partner with TNR organizations.  Sometimes we have cats that come into our care that after fostering are deemed unsuitable for placement in a home; and sometimes TNR organizations trap cats that unsuitable to be returned outside.  Learn more about how we handle these types of situations. 

Owner Surrenders

While our primary intake is from animal controls, we do take in cats from owners who are no longer able to provide for them.  Owners must submit a request for us to consider taking in their cat(s) and once we accept the cat into our program, there are other steps to follow.